Do you know what the role of medical bandages is?

Update:2022-06-20 16:35
The main component of medical bandages in most pharmacies is degreased gauze, which is used for surgical injuries, sprains, post-operative bandaging, fixation, etc., mainly to prevent infection.

If the medical tape is used correctly, it can not only help the wound heal, but also avoid infection or other secondary injuries to the wound. When the patient uses the medical bandage, please wear protective gloves first to prevent the bacteria on your hands from infecting the wound. Before using a bandage to wrap the wound, you can use a cotton sleeve or cotton roll on the dressing area as a pad. When you need to increase pressure or where you are thin and bony, you can wrap more cotton sleeves or cotton rolls to protect the wound. In order to avoid the deepening of the wound due to some accidental touch, or because of the thin seam between the bandages, bacteria can enter the wound and cause infection. When wrapping the wound, it is appropriate to choose the spiral wrapping method. Do not use too much force when wrapping the wound. Smooth the bandage and make it smooth when wrapping, so that each layer can get better support and adhesion. Use gloves to dip Smooth the bandage after water for best results.

We often use medical bandages, so we must understand the precautions for the use of this item to avoid unnecessary trouble due to improper use.

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