What is the tape that athletes put on?

Update:2022-01-26 10:42
The tape that athletes put on is sports tape.

On the one hand, it is to prevent muscle strains, and at the same time, it is very helpful to feel the hand. I don’t know if you have played basketball yourself. Many basketball players like to have this kind of bandages. On the one hand, it can play a role in preventing strains. At the same time, it is very helpful to improve the feel.

The other is a bandage that reinforces the joints. It is made of very elastic materials, which can protect the joints from excessive bending and help the joints return to normal. However, if the wrist is not injured, or there is no old injury, some technical skills It is not recommended to wear it for sports, as it will affect the flexibility of the joints.

1. The injured person should be in proper position.
2. The affected limb is placed in an adaptive position, so that the patient can keep the limb comfortable during the dressing process and reduce the pain of the patient.
3. The affected limb should be bandaged in the functional position.
4. The packer usually stands in front of the patient in order to observe the patient's facial expressions.
5. Generally, it should be bandaged from the inside out, and from the distal end to the trunk. At the beginning of the bandaging, two ring bandages must be made to fix the bandage.
6. When wrapping, grasp the bandage roll to avoid falling. The bandage should be rolled and applied flat to the bandaged area.

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